PLEXR Non-surgical Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift) 


PLEXR utilises plasma technology, the fourth state of matter, to sublimate skin without the need for cutting or suturing. PLEXR causes no bleeding and there is minimal downtime. PLEXR gives  results which you would normally only expect after surgery but there are no scalpels and no suturing involved. The excess eyelid skin is sublimated using the plasma beam without damage to the basement membrane, muscle or other underlying structures. Treatment consists of multiple shots spaced closely together and the upper, lower or both eyelids can be treated.

PLEXR gives outstanding results which you would normally only expect after surgery but there are no scalpels and no suturing involved. The excess eyelid skin is sublimated using the plasma beam without damage to the basement membrane, muscle or other underlying structures. Treatment consists of multiple shots spaced closely together and the upper, lower or both eyelids can be treated. The procedure normally takes less than 30 minutes to perform. 

Results are seen instantly although the best appearance is seen after 3 weeks. 3 treatments at 6 weekly intervals are often required to give the results similar to a surgical procedure.Often more than one treatment is needed for optimum results. There should be at least six weeks before any further Plexr in the same area.

Final results depend on severity of skin laxity or size of lesion, the desired result, the general condition of the skin and any pre-existing skin or medical problems. Reduction in skin folds and creases appear immediately.

Results are permanent.  

Tiny dark brown spots appear where individual shots have been fired or a larger burn-like appearance may be seen where an area has been ‘sprayed’ with plasma. The tiny dark brown spots flake off over the following days (up to 2 weeks) and burns will heal within a similar period. Swelling is common and can be quite pronounced around the eyes, often worse the following morning and lasting for several days. The area may be tender as it is healing and may scab over or become a little sloughy.

It is important to allow any spots or scabs to fall off naturally otherwise scarring or infection may occur. As the treated skin is sublimated, the results often last years or permanently.

After treatment we advise keeping the treated area clean, dry and protected using a broad spectrum sunscreen. Mineral make-up may be applied. Avoid exposing the area to extremes of heat or cold until it has healed. If any doubt, contact the clinic for further advice. 

Local anaesthetic cream is applied for 30 minutes prior to non-surgical blepharoplasty to minimise any discomfort and the procedure is then virtually painless. For other areas, local anaesthetic cream or injections may be used to provide numbness. The treatment may feel hot in places and there may be a tingling or burning sensation afterwards.

All treatments carry a degree of risk. However, PLEXR plasma technology has been used worldwide for several years with no significant
adverse events.

Side Effects
Following PLEXR treatment, tiny dark brown/black spots may appear or there may be an appearance more typical of a burn. Swelling is common and often lasts several days and can be quite significant around the eyes. The area will often be red and warm immediately after the procedure and can be quite tender for a few days. Patients may experience a tingling or burning sensation. Crusting or a scab can develop and it is important to keep this clean, dry and protected. Sometimes the area can be sloughy.

If the area becomes red, hot and tender or if there is pus present, it is important to contact the clinic as this may suggest an infection.

Scarring may occur following treatment.

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