Save Face Director Ashton Collins joins Sky News for a live discussion about Superdrug bringing Botox to the High Street.

Save Face Director Ashton Collins speaks to Channel 5 News as Bogus Botox Doctor Ozan Melin is sentenced to 4 years imprisonment for 2 counts of Grievous Bodily Harm without intent. 3 women suffered s...

Bogus plastic surgeon Ozan Melin was found guilty of GHB for administering fake Botox into the faces of several women and causing them to suffer anaphylactic reactions. The women all believed Melin to...

Save Face Appear on BBC 2 Programme Victoria Derbyshire to Discuss Backstreet Beauticians Providing Illegal Botox Treatments by Failing to Ensure Patients Had Been Issued Valid Prescriptions by Lice...

Save Face Director Ashton Collins attends ITV studio for a Live Discussion on how to stay safe when undergoing non-surgical cosmetic treatments

Health experts in Wales are calling for tighter regulation of anti-wrinkle injections and lip fillers. They warn the procedures can cause blindness and disfigurement if they’re not carried out corre...

Following dozens of complaints from patients reporting complications, adverse reactions, and unsightly treatment outcomes, the BBC sent an undercover reporter to investigate Miss Hudsons Aesthetics, ...

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