The size and shape of your nose can have a big effect on your overall appearance. It’s the central feature of your face, and if it’s not in proportion or is hooked or bent, your self-confidence can really suffer.

Up until quite recently, if you felt self-conscious about your nose and wanted to do something about it, then rhinoplasty was your only option. However, although very effective, surgical rhinoplasty is an extremely invasive procedure that involves a considerable amount of painful recovery time.

These issues, coupled with the high cost of the procedure, as well as its permanent nature, led both patients and practitioners alike to try and come up with a less drastic alternative.
This search led to the development of the non-surgical nose job, a procedure that has become increasingly popular over the past 10 years. But what is it? And does it really work?

We take a look at the efficacy of non-surgical rhinoplasty, giving you the facts you need to make an informed decision.

What is Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty?

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is a medical procedure which involves the altering or reshaping of the nose with injectable fillers. By filling in depressions, smoothing out sharp angles and improving the symmetry of the nose, these injectable fillers can give it a more streamlined appearance without surgery.

The procedure can be performed quickly and easily – it usually takes between fifteen and thirty minutes – and results are immediate. As a topical anaesthetic is applied to the nose before injections are given and the dermal fillers themselves contain an anaesthetic, the procedure isn’t particularly painful. The vast majority of patients are able to carry on with their daily activities immediately after the procedure, but heavy glasses of any kind should be avoided for the first two weeks as they can affect the results.

The fillers used in non-surgical rhinoplasty are temporary and will be broken down by the body naturally after time. Results last anywhere between 8 – 10 months depending on the type of dermal filler used, and your medical practitioner should be able to advise you on which is right for you.

Benefits and Side-Effects

One of the major benefits of opting for a non-surgical nose job is avoiding the risks associated with surgery. However, it is important to stress that although the procedure isn’t surgical, like any cosmetic treatment, it isn’t completely risk-free.

As well as temporary side-effects such as bruising, pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, adverse reactions are a possibility. Although rare, issues such as infection, injury and skin irregularities can occur. It’s for this reason that the procedure should always be carried out by a medical professional who is equipped to deal with possible complications.


The price of a non-surgical nose job is considerably less than its surgical counterpart, with treatments usually beginning at around £450.

Save Face

Non-surgical rhinoplasty should always be carried out by a fully qualified medical practitioner to avoid unnecessary risk.
If you’re interested in this, or any other non-surgical cosmetic procedure, use Save Face to get in touch with a practitioner near you who’s been vetted against our strict set of objective standards. Visit our treatment guide for more information and browse before and after images from our accredited practitioners.

Selecting a Save Face practitioner is the only difference between safe and sorry. Don’t trust an amateur with your face.


Dermal Fillers

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