When it comes to our appearance, a smooth, wrinkle-free complexion is top of most people's wish list, but with so many products and procedures available, each promising miracle results, it can be hard...

Excessive sweating, or hyperhidrosis as it is formally known, occurs when the body’s sympathetic nervous system goes into overdrive. Whilst it's normal for the body to use sweat to regulate its temp...

It’s 2015 and we’re more health-conscious than ever, and as a result of this fifty is no longer considered ‘over the hill’. With fantastic role models such as Julianne and Demi Moore, Elle McP...

Age-Dependent Action Depending on your age group, what you’re looking for in a non-surgical cosmetic procedure is likely to be different. From preventative measures to procedures that will repair da...

Save Face contributed to an explosive investigation with BBC 1’s Inside Out which exposed a Nurse whose bad practice and poor ethics caused an unprecedented amount of patient complications. Registe...

‘Trust Me I’m a Nurse’ – Save Face lead an Investigation with the BBC to expose a bogus nurse who claims to have administered botox and other non-surgical cosmetic treatments to over 10,000 pa...

Scary Isn't it? The Non-surgical cosmetic treatment industry is often depicted by the press as a minefield of myths, scandals, scare stories and exaggerated stereotypes that make it seem like an impos...

Save Face led an investigation with BBC 5 Live to shine a light on the unscrupulous practice that is prevalent within the non-surgical cosmetic industry, bringing in to focus the key challenges consum...

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